Instructor Development Programme
Outspark is extremely excited to announce that the Instructor Development Programme (IDP) is back for 2023.
It can be difficult to begin any new career, and working in the outdoor education industry is no exception. Qualifications are required to run activities. Experience is desirable in proving an ability to work with young people. Employers seek individuals with knowledge and skills that can be hard won. The Instructor Development Programme aims to give you all of this, with a hope that by the end, you will be able to access a good, interesting and exciting job in the outdoor sector.
The programme is delivered over one year. We will enrol you on an approved Lowland Leader course, you will spend time shadowing Outspark staff, help deliver the Duke of Edinburgh Award, day courses at schools and over-night residential experiences.
“The Instructor Development Programme was instrumental in helping me gain an understanding of how to enter the outdoor education profession, in guiding me through the process of identifying the professional qualification that best suited me, and in providing me with the confidence and skills needed to complete said qualification and go on to work in the industry afterwards.”
Outspark require a commitment to this course. And this commitment reflects what individuals will come to experience working in the outdoor sector; resilience, determination and hard work are all expected (and enjoyed) in this industry. There is also a cost related to the course and details of which can be found within the online application form.
Applications close for the IDP by the 23rd January 2023. If you would like to apply, please click here to complete an online application form.
And if you have any further questions, or would like to have a conversation with a member of the Outspark team, please email either Martin Brooke or Alex Bryant with your questions and contact details.
“Following the first year of the programme, Outspark organised an expedition for all of us IDPers’ to the Lake District. This was a fantastic expedition that was both highly enjoyable, especially given it took place in some of the best countryside England has to offer, and extremely beneficial in helping me progress as a potential instructor.”
This could be the start to the greatest adventure of your life, so go on and get involved!